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4 Common Indoor Asthma Triggers and How to Avoid Them

4 Common Indoor Asthma Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Updated: 26/10/2022

Learn about some of the most common indoor asthma triggers and how you can take more control of your asthma symptoms at home during the current national lockdown.

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8 min read
Asthma vs Bronchitis: What’s the Difference?

Asthma vs Bronchitis: What’s the Difference?

Updated: 15/04/2021

Similar symptoms, different causes

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9 min read
How Winter Can Make Asthma Worse

How Winter Can Make Asthma Worse

Updated: 15/04/2021

Asthma sufferers often find their symptoms become worse during the winter months. But why is that the case? And what can you do about it? We reveal all below.

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7 min read
Managing your asthma during COVID-19

Managing your asthma during COVID-19

Updated: 13/04/2022

COVID-19 can impair respiratory tract function (nose, throat and lungs), increasing the risk of asthma attacks, pneumonia and acute respiratory disease.

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10 min read
Staying active when you have asthma

Staying active when you have asthma

Updated: 16/06/2022

A common trigger for asthma is exercising and can become worse if you exercise in cold temperatures and dry air.

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4 min read
6 tips to manage your asthma this summer

6 tips to manage your asthma this summer

Updated: 16/06/2022

The warmer temperatures will increase the moisture in the air and create an environment where moulds and pollutants will thrive which can trigger your asthma symptoms.

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4 min read
Why everyone should be walking 30 minutes a day

Why everyone should be walking 30 minutes a day

Updated: 15/04/2021

Walking 30 minutes a day has a plethora of benefits as it requires nothing but a good pair of shoes.

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5 min read
Keeping active and improving your breathing

Keeping active and improving your breathing

Updated: 26/03/2021

With asthma on the rise in the UK, here are a few tips for improving respiratory health

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2 min read
How to Manage Asthma

How to Manage Asthma

Updated: 17/11/2020

Managing your asthma should be considered an art. Every new environment and situation demands adaptability and care. These tips can help you further your effort and make each day enjoyably asthma-free or at least asthma-reduced.

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4 min read
Asthma Triggers Explained

Asthma Triggers Explained

Updated: 17/11/2020

The secret to controlling your asthma is knowing what triggers the symptoms. From pollen to aspirin, identifying them is the first step.

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3 min read