Staying Healthy Downstairs: A Guide to Feminine Hygiene

The vagina goes through a lot, from periods and sex to childbirth and menopause, so knowing the best methods to stay healthy downstairs is a must.

Published: Wednesday 03 March 2021

Striving to keep your full body happy and healthy should include maintaining good vaginal hygiene. Affecting more than just your sex life, common problems with the vagina can reduce fertility, overall health, and self-confidence when left untreated, as well as affecting your ability to reach orgasm and your desire for sex. Infections such as vaginal thrush or urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common amongst all women, but the likelihood of developing these can be reduced with the right preventative and reactive measures.

In this guide, we’ll explain what exactly thrush and UTIs are, why they appear, and how you can prevent and treat them, as well as discussing tips to maintain great vaginal health more broadly.

What is Vaginal Thrush and Why Does it Occur?

Thrush is a very common yeast infection that affects both women and men, although is much more prevalent in women. You can get thrush in your mouth, throat and skin, but most common is vaginal thrush, with around 75% of women at some point in their lives developing it, and half of these women experiencing repeat infections[1]. It’s most common in women in their 20s and 30s, but you can suffer from thrush at any age. It’s important to note that although you can sometimes develop thrush after having sex, it is not a sexually transmitted disease. If you want to learn more about STIs, check out our other guides on Genital Herpes and Genital Warts.

Thrush is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast fungus ‘candida’, which is found in many areas of the body without causing any harm. However, if the conditions are right for candida to multiply too fast, this can cause thrush to develop. Thrush tends to occur in warm, moist conditions, and a change in your vaginal bacteria balance can cause it to develop[2].

This often happens if:

The common symptoms of thrush include:

How Do I Treat and Prevent Vaginal Thrush?


Whilst very commonly occurring, the good news is that thrush is not typically a severe or serious condition thanks to treatment being widely available. Here are your options:


Early prevention is always a preference over treating a present infection, and thankfully following the below precautions will reduce the chances of developing thrush:

What are UTIs and Why Do They Occur?

Half of all women will get a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) over the course of their lifetime. Whilst men can also get UTIs, they are not as common, occurring in 1 in 20 men[3]. Your urinary tract consists of organs that make urine and remove it from the body, running from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder, before leaving the body through the urethra. The design of the urinary system minimises the risk of the kidneys developing an infection, achieving this by preventing urine from travelling back up into the kidneys from the bladder. Therefore the vast majority of UTIs occur in the bladder, known as cystitis, although they can also affect the urethra (urethritis), kidneys (pyelonephritis) or vagina (vaginitis).

Cystitis occurs when bacteria that live harmlessly on the skin or in the bowel, enters the urethra (where urine is excreted). The urethra is shorter in women than men, hence it being easier for bacteria to reach the bladder or kidneys in women.

Common scenarios in which this might happen include:

Common symptoms of a urinary tract infection include:

How Do I Treat and Prevent UTIs?


If you think you’ve developed a UTI, there are numerous methods of easing your symptoms and fighting the infection, from simple self-help measures to prescription medication.

To Ease the Symptoms

To Fight the Infection


You can greatly reduce your chances of developing a UTI by following the straight-forward preventative steps below:

How Should I Practice Good Vaginal Hygiene?

Maintaining a good level of general health, with regular exercise and having a healthy diet, will typically result in good vaginal health. Exercises such as walking and running will tone the pelvic floor, helping maintain good vaginal function. Besides being generally healthy, other specific considerations include:


This incredible organ plays many important roles, and the body normally does a good job of keeping it naturally healthy. However, if and when infections do occur, it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent them from becoming a larger issue. Whether it’s switching your daily soap or using clinically-proven creams and other medication, treatment is widely available and affordable. For more information on any of our treatments, find everything you need on our product pages.