Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Treatment

Safe and effective relief from the symptoms of acid reflux

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Ana Carolina Goncalves

Superintendent Pharmacist
GPhC Number 2088658

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Acid reflux is a common condition characterised by chest pain that occurs after eating, lying down or bending over and is most often described as a ‘burning’ sensation.

However, the condition is highly treatable with our range of effective acid reflux treatments.

What are the symptoms of GORD (Acid Reflux)?

The main symptoms are heartburn, bloating and belching, bad breath, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, pain or difficulty swallowing.

How can I avoid GORD?

Some people find that they suffer from lifelong acid reflux. However, you can reduce the chances by eating smaller portions and more often, raising the head of your bed, staying a healthy weight, and avoiding foods and drink that triggers your acid reflux.

What are the treatments for GORD?

Although there is no cure for GORD, it can be treated by:

  • Eating frequent, small portions
  • Prescription medication (proton pumps inhibitors, H2 receptor antagonists)
  • Over the counter medication such as antacid and alginate.

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